The Learn-It-All Leader
Damon Lembi
Press & Praise
Paul Miller, Former President of Nestle USA Beverage Co.
The Learn-It-All Leader is an excellent dissertation on leadership. This book describing Lembi's insights on leadership should be mandatory reading for Business Management 1A.
Tim Collins, Former Manager of Aerosmith
Many of my friends have written books, not many of them have kept me up late at night, reading them! Although they've all been good, this one is fascinating and inspiring for anybody, but especially for anybody in business or leadership.
Laurel Taylor, CEO Candidly
Damon forever changed my life by giving me my first job out of college. He believed in me and taught me how to lead with mind, heart, and hand. I have never seen any leader recruit and retain great talent like Damon has, unbelievable! Invaluable insights and lessons learned in The Learn-It-All Leader.