The Learn-It-All Leader

Damon Lembi

Great leaders aren’t born. They’re not made, either. 

They’re in the making. 

They’re constantly creating and re-creating themselves, their companies, and their leadership.

Too often, the bottom line in business is valued more than the journey endured to get there. But the journey is where real growth occurs. It’s where lifelong learners reap the benefit of vital lessons, students thrive, and scholars stall out. It’s where leaders distinguish themselves from managers and progress is more valuable than achievement.

If you’re a learn-it-all leader, you embrace the journey because there you become exceptional.

In The Learn-It-All Leader, Learnit CEO Damon Lembi shares:

  • How being a “Learn-it-All” vs “Know-it-All will set you up for success and get you invited to more happy hours!
  • A three-step approach to overcoming imposter syndrome
  • How to use Purposeful Awfulizing to overcome fear and build resilience
  • Discover why treating your employees as a team rather than as family can lead to greater success
  • Why you should choose potential over experience in the hiring process
  • Learn what “Trust Tax” is and why it’s worth paying
  • How a leader’s personal model of integrity is crucial to creating trust and a thriving workplace
  • A proven model for building great teams
  • How implementing a culture of continuous learning & professional development helps attract & retain talent
  • Why you should focus on elevating strengths over improving weaknesses

With entertaining anecdotes and inspirational examples, The Learn-It-All Leader is a compelling guide to being your best and playing to winevery time.

Press & Praise

Paul Miller, Former President of Nestle USA Beverage Co.

The Learn-It-All Leader is an excellent dissertation on leadership. This book describing Lembi's insights on leadership should be mandatory reading for Business Management 1A.

Tim Collins, Former Manager of Aerosmith

Many of my friends have written books, not many of them have kept me up late at night, reading them! Although they've all been good, this one is fascinating and inspiring for anybody, but especially for anybody in business or leadership.

Laurel Taylor, CEO Candidly

Damon forever changed my life by giving me my first job out of college. He believed in me and taught me how to lead with mind, heart, and hand. I have never seen any leader recruit and retain great talent like Damon has, unbelievable! Invaluable insights and lessons learned in The Learn-It-All Leader.

Damon Lembi is CEO of Learnit, a global leader in corporate training solutions that has upskilled more than 1.8 million professionals in the past twenty-seven years. Damon lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and loves books, live music, and above all, spending time with his wife, Cara Mia; their two kids, Luciana and Walter; and Pablo the Puggle.

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