Proposing Value
Steve Thompson
Your proposal is one of the most powerful ways you can differentiate you and your company from the competition.
It facilitates one of the critical conversations in the Value Lifecycle of the ongoing business relationship. In short, your proposal has the potential to make you and your company look very different — in a good way. In this book you will learn to build trust and credibility through your proposal, making it easy for the customers to choose you and your company.
The Value Lifecycle is a unique framework that looks at how a customer views an ongoing business relationship. Companies that are world-class at executing the Value Lifecycle model have much less account churn, enjoy higher conversion rates when selling to new customers, benefit from higher success rates at cross-selling and upselling, have higher margins on the deals they close, and retain customers longer. In many cases, they are virtually bullet-proof from competitor attacks.
Nobody is going to take that account away from them!