Never Too Late to Startup

Rob Kornblum

Start Your New Company, Get the Freedom You Have Always Dreamed Of

What if you could break free of the corporate rat race? How would your life be different if you owned your own business? Entrepreneurship is the ultimate mid-life career change.

Startup founder and former venture capitalist Rob Kornblum shows how starting a company in mid-life is not only achievable, but more likely to succeed. Through dozens of interviews with mid-life founders, Kornblum shows:

  • How to discover great ideas for your new business
  • Why great entrepreneurs don’t just follow their passion (and what they do instead)
  • How to market your products like the pros
  • How starting a side business lowers your risk
  • How to build a great company AND keep a normal family life
  • Why the skills you already have increase your chances of success
  • How to find your ideal co-founders and team
  • How mid-life entrepreneurs get their businesses funded
  • Why this is the best time ever to start a business

Including BONUS Resources including a 90 Day Timeline, 1 Page Business Plan, Fundraising pitch template, and more.

If you have years of experience in business, have wanted to start your own business but never did, this is the book you need to get you over the hump.

Pick up your copy today.

Rob Kornblum

Rob Kornblum has spent twenty-five years funding, supporting, advising, and founding new companies, helping to grow businesses in a diverse range of industries including technology, health care, consumer services, and media.

He is a former venture capitalist and Kauffman Fellow, a growth company executive, and startup founder. He has appeared in the Huffington Post, Inc. magazine,, and numerous blogs. Rob lives in the Boston area with his wife and three sons. Rob writes about startups on his blog

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