Meditate to Date
Pattie Martello
Personal transformation expert Pattie Martello knows that she’s a work in progress. Like many of us, she spent years on the dating scene, unable to determine why she always felt a void no one could fill. It wasn’t until she embarked on a journey of self-discovery that she recognized who she is and what she wants in life.
Now she’s sharing what she has learned along the way.
In Meditate to Date, Pattie provides you with a framework to help you find fulfillment and be happy. Her three-step approach—Pause, Awaken, and Launch (PAL)—shows you how to step back from your everyday life, commit to change, identify your goals, and reenter the dating world with confidence. Do you waste time on dates and in relationships that have no future? Are you a “fixer” who only dates people who need your help? Have you given up on finding love? It’s time to break the cycle. With tools that are essential for mindful change, such as journaling and meditation, this book will support you in your journey of discovery, awakening, and empowerment.