Feminine Masculine Balance

Jacqueline McLeod

We’re well into the twenty-first century, yet we continue to struggle with the same problems that have plagued us for centuries. Violence. Poverty. Inequality. Toxic relationships. As hopeless as it seems, however, real change is possible. The first step is to understand the driving force behind all the turmoil in the world.

In Feminine Masculine Balance, Jacqueline McLeod explains how masculine and feminine energies are unbalanced on a global scale. Masculine attributes like competitiveness, rationality, and detachment, while beneficial for all genders, grow dangerous when they dominate our value systems. With compassion and humor, Jacqueline demonstrates how women and men alike can become better versions of themselves by valuing and respecting their feminine energies to the same level as their masculine energies.

It’s past time for humanity to wake up. Jacqueline’s insights into our out-of-whack society—and her vision of a world in balance—will open our eyes to a new way of being.

Press & Praise

Meg Debski, Psychologist and Relationship Therapist

"Jacqueline has been able to identify and articulate the need for masculine and feminine balance on an individual and societal level. By focusing on the impact of imbalance and the historical dominance of masculine traits, Jacqueline has been able to eloquently and cohesively put forward a process for how this could occur. This process, to date, has been elusive and Jacqueline presents it brilliantly. The paradigm shift in this book is a pathway to a more peaceful, progressive and nourished society."

Tricia Peters, MBA, MPACC, Collaborative Practitioner and Financial Adviser

"Jacqueline's book is timely, coming as it does at a time when the status quo of patriarchy is being challenged globally. Jacqueline shows readers how the domination of the masculine and de-valuing of feminine energy is responsible for much about what is wrong in the world at present. Jacqueline identifies that men and women are different but not opposites. Both genders have both feminine and masculine energy, neither better than the other and a balance of the two is necessary for harmony. When men have permission to connect with their feminine energy, life will be easier for them, relationships between men and women will improve and the sexes will live in greater harmony. Jacqueline draws on her research and vast personal experience to build a framework for understanding how balancing masculine and feminine energy is essential to building a more peaceful and abundant world. This is an inspiring book, making the solution seem so obvious and achievable."

Merryl Key, Holistic Health Practitioner, BA Communications, Dip Health Sciences, Dip Applied Astrology

"It's been a long time coming, but 2017 tipped open a global outpouring for change, exposing some of the most insidious elements of the patriarchy to public examination. Groundswell movements like the Women's March, Black Lives Matter, #timesup and the Student Walk Outs for gun control raised a universal call against violence and domination. We are poised on a paradigm shift but at its core, this is beyond gender, race or politics.

Underneath the layers of misogyny, entitlement and exploitation lie a profound imbalance between the value and expression of Masculine qualities over the Feminine - and Jacqueline Mcleod nails it at its source. Her aim is not to overthrow the patriarchy, but to heal and balance it. In Feminine Masculine Balance Jacqueline tackles the big picture with extraordinary clarity, drawing on both research and personal experience to explain how Feminine and Masculine aspects are present in all individuals, but living 6000 years under patriarchy has created a damaged society with de-valued Feminine qualities, and a pumped-up out-of-balance Masculine. It affects our relationships, our safety, our health, and our potential on all levels.

Feminine Masculine Balance examines ways to shift perspective and balance Feminine and Masculine aspects, giving a language and vision for a more peaceful future. Jacqueline dismantles limited gender and societal roles and expectations with a practical, considered approach based on non-violence, equality, and acceptance. Feminine and Masculine qualities (equal but different) are brought together, to become a powerful agent for growth and opportunity. This is a not only a wonderful and inspiring revelation but an incredibly useful hands-on guide to living and communicating with respect and harmony."

Jacqueline McLeod

Jacqueline McLeod was a health professional clinician and has had a lifelong passion for self-development, which led her to the studies of tarot, astrology, spirituality, and alternative health. Her life purpose is to assist in achieving a balanced society by empowering the feminine in both women and men. With an ongoing interest in painting and creativity, Jacqueline owns a studio and learning space overlooking a beautiful garden in Sandringham, Melbourne, Australia. Her greatest joys are her two adult children and two grandchildren.

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