Free for Life
Christopher Lee Maher
Unresolved physical, spiritual, mental and emotional stress, tension, and structural distortion rob people of their ability to do what they truly love. The majority of the available tools designed to help you manage your complex stressors are a distraction from the underlying road blocks that keep your body from healing itself. There’s a much better way to rebalance and restore your health so you can resume doing all the things that bring you joy, peace and happiness.
The intense complex stressors Christopher Maher experienced as a child and as a Navy SEAL inspired him to embody, study and develop powerful systems that create instantaneous, permanent change at a conscious, unconscious and subconscious level. He introduces his remarkable wellness program in Free for Life. His True Body Intelligence system is a suite of whole-istic subtractive methodologies specifically designed to restore balance to the emotions, body, brain, and nervous system. The systems within True Body Intelligence assist in reintegrating every aspect of your being to offer real, permanent solutions for root causes, not bandages for symptoms.
Christopher’s remarkable personal journey led him to this powerful alternative to standardized solutions. If you or someone you love is stuck and suffering from the effects of unresolved physical, emotional, energetic or mental distress, reading Free for Life can be the first hopeful step towards bringing your entire life into a state of wholeness, perpetual freedom and happiness.