Validation Is For Parking
Nicole Kalil
Confidence noun con·fi·dence : when you know who you are, own who you’re not, and choose to embrace all of it
If you had more confidence, what decisions would you make? What risks would you take? What dreams would you chase?
For women, confidence is often associated with doing it all—and doing it perfectly. When I earn that promotion, lose ten pounds, or meet the person of my dreams…then I’ll feel confident. We’ve been bombarded with messaging telling us to be confident, but no one has told us how. Speaker, leadership strategist, and coach Nicole Kalil is changing that.
In Validation Is for Parking, Nicole provides a comprehensive guide for building internal trust and reclaiming confidence, a skill built from the inside out. You’ll learn how to create boundaries, give yourself grace, and overcome the five most common derailers that impede progress and contribute to unhealthy patterns. This is a journey in which there are no shortcuts, but Nicole provides the guidance and support you need to break free from limiting narratives. A book for all women, Validation Is for Parking is an uplifting exploration of the untruths we believe and the internal antidotes that teach us to trust ourselves and become who we’re meant to be.