Unconventional Medicine

Chris Kresser

The world is facing the greatest healthcare crisis it has ever seen. Chronic disease is shortening our lifespan, destroying our quality of life, bankrupting governments, and threatening the health of future generations. Sadly, conventional medicine, with its focus on managing symptoms, has failed to address this challenge. The result is burned-out physicians, a sicker population, and a broken healthcare system.

In Unconventional Medicine, Chris Kresser presents a plan to reverse this dangerous trend. He shows how the combination of a genetically aligned diet and lifestyle, functional medicine, and a lean, collaborative practice model can create a system that better serves the needs of both patients and practitioners.

The epidemic of chronic illness can be stopped, if patients and practitioners can adapt.

Press & Praise

Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, MD, BBC television's Doctor in the House and author of The Power of Balance

"Whether you call it progressive medicine, as I do, or unconventional medicine, as Chris does here--this is truly the future of health and wellness."

Mark Hyman, MD, Director, Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine & Chairman, Institute for Functional Medicine

"Chris's book shines a light on why conventional medicine is failing to address the epidemic of chronic disease--and gives practitioners a clear vision and path for reinventing healthcare."

David Perlmutter, MD, Author #1 New York Times bestseller, Grain Brain and The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan

"Americans are anything but healthy. With 45% of us suffering from a chronic disease despite over $3 trillion in healthcare expenditure, something is terribly wrong. In Unconventional Medicine, Chris Kresser explores the depths of this failed system and reveals how misdirected altruism underpins our healthcare system's inadequacies at every level. "

Fox News

Does the 'Paleo' diet work?

Chris Kresser

Chris Kresser M.S., L.Ac is the founder of Kresser Institute, co-director of California Center for Functional Medicine, the creator of ChrisKresser.com, and the New York Times best-selling author of The Paleo Cure. He is known for his in-depth research uncovering myths and misconceptions in modern medicine and providing natural health solutions with proven results. Chris was named one of the 100 most influential people in health and fitness by Greatist.com, and his blog is one of the top-ranked natural health websites in the world. He recently launched Kresser Institute, an organization dedicated to reinventing healthcare and reversing chronic disease by training healthcare practitioners in functional medicine and an ancestral diet and lifestyle. Chris lives in Berkeley, CA with his wife and daughter.

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