The Launch Button
Hugh Zaretsky
Press & Praise
Hugh is a straight shooter and tells you like it is. He speaks from experience on how to launch out of the corporate world into your own business with real estate and business ownership.
Anybody who knows me knows how strongly I believe in the idea of 'shooting messengers.' My reason for that is that too often there are voices of influence in our lives that are well-meaning but unqualified to be giving advice. Too many people are listening to the wrong people and therefore doing the wrong things. In my life, I seek out voices of EXPERIENCE. I only want the opinions of those who have been where I'm going. Hugh Zaretsky is one of those voices I listen to. As he guides you through his journey from where he began, to the day he fired his boss, and beyond, his insights will become your roadmap to doing the exact same thing. This book is a must read for anybody ready to break free and start their next chapter of life!
We wish that we had had this information available to us when we were just out of high school! We really wish we had had this information to teach our kids! Now, we look forward to sharing it with both our kids and our grandkids! We have watched Hugh create wealth and opportunity for many years now. He is a hardworking, brilliant leader who will always have his hands in what is 'next.' We are excited to support this book!