Keep It Simple, Make It Big

Michael Lynch

Has your personal finance plan become so complex, you can’t even understand it?

Who wouldn’t be confused today? Investment pitchmen, mega-insurance companies, and even state and federal governments are vying for our money, making it more difficult than ever to manage it how we want.

But simplifying your plan and reclaiming what’s yours is easier than you think. In Keep It Simple, Make It Big, award-winning financial planner, Michael Lynch, uses his nearly twenty years of practical experience to help you create, protect, and enjoy financial success. You’ll learn how to recognize and overcome common financial mistakes, from paying too much in taxes and falling victim to inflation, to blowing your investments and failing to protect what you cannot afford to lose. Michael’s simple systems put you in the driver’s seat to enjoy a lifetime of tax-efficient income, protect your family, and retire on your own terms. Ultimately, this book will help you cut through the BS and put you back in charge.

Michael Lynch is a Certified Financial Planner with nearly twenty years of experience working with

American families to craft plans that fund their dreams, educate their children, and finance their retirement.

Michael has contributed to the Wall Street Journal and Investor’s Business Daily, and hosted Smart Money Radio for a decade. He’s served as an adjunct faculty member at Fairfield University and currently teaches financial planning to employees of corporations like Madison Square Garden and Yale New Haven Health Systems. Michael is a five-time Financial Planner of the Year for MetLife and a 2019 inductee to the Barnum Financial Group Hall of Fame. You can enjoy his latest articles and videos at

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