It Pays to PLAY
Kristi Herold
Press & Praise
Alex Lieberman, Co-Founder and Executive Chairman of Morning Brew
Our team at Morning Brew enjoyed some laughs with a virtual scavenger hunt led by Kristi's team at JAM, and we fully agree with the ideas shared in her book. Playing and laughing together will strengthen bonds among your team, enhancing creativity and innovation no matter what industry you're in.
Kara Goldin, Founder of Hint Inc. and author of the WSJ bestseller Undaunted
It Pays to PLAY is spot on. Great leadership means understanding how to create engagement with your team, and Kristi Herold has definitely mastered this! A must-read for anyone interested in understanding and implementing the power of play.
Brian Scudamore, Founder and CEO of 1-800-GOT-JUNK? and O2E Brands
Having known Kristi for over twenty years, I can confidently say no one knows the power of play better, and when it comes to injecting fun and play in the workplace, she is worth listening to.