Don’t Lose Your Money or Your Mind

Marjan Stojanovski

You’ve been trading for a couple years, but instead of making money, you’re frustrated by a lack of results. You’ve tried everything—newsletters, programs, investing gurus—but nothing has worked. No matter how much you learn or what you try, you’re not getting ahead. In fact, you’re losing money. For the sake of your sanity and your principal, you’ll have to quit trading if you can’t find an approach that works.

Here’s the truth: trading requires a counterintuitive mindset. You must go against the advice you apply elsewhere in your life and stop following your instincts.

Marjan Stojanovski wants to help you develop this counterintuitive mindset. In Don’t Lose Your Money or Your Mind, he’ll explore the flaws of the human mind that hinder success in trading, including cognitive biases, fear, and greed. You’ll learn how to spot these flaws and develop the discipline to conquer them. Get ready for an approach to trading that is not only simple, but ensures you will never lose your principal again.

Marjan Stojanovski

Marjan Stojanovski worked for the Customs Administration of the Republic of Macedonia as a computer engineer for sixteen years before leaving to pursue his passion for investment and trading. He gained his broker’s license with the Macedonian Security Exchange Commission in 2003, and earned a triple certification with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. After practicing for eight years as an independent consultant, Marjan worked as both the general manager and chief portfolio manager for a major hedge fund. Now, once again an independent consultant, he applies his expertise in principal-protected investment strategies to establish stable, successful options for clients all over the world. Marjan lives in the Republic of North Macedonia with his wife and son.

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