Don’t Leave a Mess!
Sandy Pollack
Press & Praise
Like its great title, Don't Leave a Mess! has one outstanding element often missing in books about financial advice: its clear readability. Sandy Pollack writes in a straightforward, commonsense voice, easily conveying complex issues and recommendations in a very natural style. She boils things down to their essence without oversimplifying, using stories and examples to help explain things. If you want to read one book on family legacy planning, make it Don't Leave a Mess!
Most family business owners, particularly founders (Gen 1), avoid putting plans in place to deal with transition and succession. For various reasons, they struggle with knowing where to start and how to engage and communicate with their family to make rational decisions that will protect their legacy and wealth. The unfortunate outcome is a real mess for their family to clean up after they are gone. In this book, Don't Leave a Mess!, Sandy draws on her tremendous experience advising families to provide real-life strategies and guidance on how to successfully navigate planning your legacy. Her compelling stories and direct, no-nonsense approach will help family business owners overcome their procrastination and inertia to develop a true legacy-thinking mindset.
Silence is easy; opening up is hard. NOW GET MOVING! Written with a disarming combination of empathy and tough-mindedness, this book is a soup-to-nuts guidebook for the business-owning family. Need some ideas on how to start talking about money in your family? On picking the right advisors and getting rid of the wrong ones? On managing your own emotions while you do these tasks? The author provides grounded, practical strategies on everything it takes to do the hard, right things.